On the 7th of October Krister Olsson and Gustav L'Estrade visited the "Industry 4.0" conference hosted by Dagens Industri at the Grand Hotel in Stockholm, eager and ready to dive into a full-day event packed with interesting presentations and discussions about where the industrial sector is going, and what role IT has in that journey. They also brought along Advania's Chief Digital & Innovation Officer Daniel Albertsson to be a part of the panel discussion about human vs artificial intelligence regarding skills supply in the industry. In case you missed it live, be sure to rewatch this very interesting conversation.
Gustav & Krister's mission as representatives of the department of Transformation & Automation at Advania was to talk about our aftermarket solutions, a field in which we have become experts through our deliveries with Scania and other known Swedish manufacturing customers. Another topic they presented was the possibilities we have in helping factory floor staff using digitalisation combined with the resources we have at Advania. Being there on the "front lines" was an eye opener, decision makers from the industrial sector were eager to hear how we can automate their businesses, increase efficiency, and help them to resolve the problems they are facing today. The whole event was a great source of motivation for Advania, and it was inspiring to experience the interest in and demand for our aftermarket solutions firsthand.
Rewatch recorded sessions from the event