If you still remain with server the next important date is the 2nd of February, 2022, so just a couple of days ahead. From this point forward it will not be possible to upgrade or downgrade your license. So if you are thinking of upgrading to that unlimited tiered version for that purely internal and behind heavy firewalls product then now is the time to do so.
App sales will continue for one more year and end of support is in two years’ time so there is still time for some changes there. We get asked a lot about what this change has meant for us, for our clients and for users, so a quick recap of the two major lessons learnt over the year might also be interesting.
Cloud Adoption
The cloud version of Atlassian products has really stepped up over the year and is now definitely the version of choice for most companies. With that being said, it is not a transition without its troubles. The massive width of capabilities with different marketplace apps, custom integrations and sometimes rather interesting configuration choices, the way to cloud is rarely straight forward.
Over the year, we have helped multiple clients with their migration to the cloud, and we have built up our analysis offering accordingly. We see that these analysis services are something that customers have really grown to appreciate as it identifies problems early and allow for better planning on both cost and time.
Some of the most important parts that we have found are to
- Remove old data, especially configuration data. This improves all parts of your system and has the added benefit of making the transition project easier as well.
- Take your time analyzing plugins, both what exist and what to replace them with.
- Value the total cost, including time, for infrastructure and to review if the added benefits that can be gained from the datacenter environments are of sufficient value.
Transition from Shadow to Enterprise IT
The second change, is one that we have seen for a while, but the last year has pushed the speed of change to a whole new level. It was never uncommon to find Atlassian products that would be run by single functions or teams but increasingly we find that Enterprise IT is taking control of the systems.
Often Atlassian products are introduced as an easy solution to a specific need, this need then tend to grow organically within the organization. This is a good thing! It shows that there is value in the products. The bad thing is that while the user base has grown, the support and maintenance of the products have really followed to the same degree. It is therefore not uncommon to see that the product may not have adapted to these users as might have been warranted and this in turn might lead to unhappy users and environments that lacked vital security and updates.
Moving to Enterprise IT puts the spotlight on these issues. It allows for the companies to make better decisions and to safeguard vital data that is often found in Jira or Confluence as well as push for better support to the end users which in the end spells more value for the company. What we have seen in our projects is that there has been a tendency to discount that this change will also add cost due to the natural increase in support. Any transition project should therefore take this into account and define the scope for future services.
Do you need help with your Atlassian environment?
We can help you improve your business processes and get more value from your platforms. Let us help you reach your full potential with Advania and Jira →
Krister Broman
Business Developer