In pace with the world

Sustainable Advania

At Advania, we work continuously to improve and evaluate our efforts. We are particularly proud of our focus on sustainability, quality and safety.

Kvinna i kontorslandskap

IT is the key to a sustainable future

From a sustainability perspective, the IT sector has long been in an exceptional position as both part of the problem and part of the solution.

The IT sector globally is responsible for a significant impact on the environment and on people through its substantial energy use, substantial consumption of materials and repeated reports of poor working conditions for those who manufacture the products. In addition, IT products in the West have increasingly become consumer items with short lives, and are rapidly generating a growing mountain of electronic scrap.

That said, a digitised world is absolutely essential for achieving the resource-efficient society we need if we are to give 9–10 billion people a good life in 2050. The ongoing digital transition is, accordingly, an important part of the solution to the sustainability challenges faced by many other industries, and we can help reduce the impact on society by significantly more than the negative impact that the IT sector itself creates.

We have adopted science-based climate targets

SBT logga 2

Advania Sweden's short-term climate targets have been validated and approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), an international framework for science-based climate targets in line with the Paris Agreement. We are committed to halving climate emissions in scopes 1 and 2 by 2030, while significantly reducing emissions in scope 3 related to the company's profit.

Advania Sverige AB commits to:

  • reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 50% by 2030 from a 2019 base year.
  • reduce scope 3 GHG emissions from purchased goods and services, fuel and energy related activities, upstream transportation and distribution and business travel 68.6% per SEK value added by 2030 from a 2019 base year.

Read our press release about SBTi (in Swedish) →

We hold gold level in EcoVadis global sustainability assessment

EcoVadis Advania GuldAdvania Sweden has achieved gold level in the EcoVadis international assessment of corporate sustainability, a rating awarded to only five per cent of companies assessed globally.

EcoVadis is an independent and industry-leading organisation that evaluates companies' management systems in the areas of environment, labour, human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement. Each company is rated according to its size, location and industry.

Read our press release about EcoVadis (in Swedish) →


"“Advania is expected to work proactively to prevent corruption and other business ethics legislation in all countries where we operate. In combination with Advania's focus on the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, we feel that a group-wide compliance strategy is fitting.”

Helena Nordin

Head of Sustainability at Advania

Safety and improvement

Our certificates

The purpose of Advania's management system is to ensure that we meet the high demands of customers, employees, owners, society and other stakeholders. The management system also aims to ensure that the results of our operations create value for our customers and other stakeholders.

Read our Sustainability report

Code of Conduct

Advania is an attractive and sustainable employer, where all employees will work in a safe workplace with a sound work environment, and in which they will face no risk of exposure to discrimination or harassment. We are also committed to a systematic approach to anticorruption and to reducing our environmental impact.

We make all of this clear in our Code of Conduct for staff, which explains the rights and obligations of our employees. The content of the Code of Conduct meets the 10 principles of the UN's Global Compact on human rights, working conditions, the environment and anticorruption. All staff undergo regular training in the Code of Conduct, and we have an external channel for whistleblowing in which all employees and external parties can report problems anonymously.

Advania's Code of Conduct for our suppliers and partners clearly sets out our expectation that they have the same high level of commitment and the same systematic approach to fulfilling the principles of the UN's Global Compact. We carry out regular checks on our suppliers to ensure that they are fulfilling the requirements, and we provide information on the results in our annual Sustainability Report.

We believe in the equal value of every person

Our diversity plan

The IT sector has been trying for years to increase the low proportion of women, and this is something that we at Advania are also committed to achieving. This issue has become even more critical in the wake of #metoo, but our customers are also taking an increasing interest in it. Accordingly, we have drawn up a new diversity plan for our company. This describes both how we will tackle all forms of discrimination and how we will strive to increase the proportion of women in the company's operational roles.

Our target for the end of 2020 was to double the number of women working as consultants, in sales or as operational managers, compared with the figure for 2016. We achieved this target by taking a broad-based approach - both in how we recruit and how we ensure that we continue to retain and develop the women we already have. We are proud that we achieve the target, and we have now set new and ambitious targets for the coming years.

Learn more about our
sustainable offering